Austin, a Summit Instructor, Rock Climbing

What Our Students are Saying…

I just finished the Summit Adventure College Semester a couple months ago. It is funny to think how quickly time flies, and how much you miss something once it is gone. While at Summit I formed such a tight group and made such great friends that I miss them much like how one misses their home after being gone for a while.

ISAS for me was an easy choice because I wanted an immersion semester. I had a friend coerce me into the semester, and I cannot stop thinking how thankful I am for my friend’s words of encouragement and the excitement Kelli showed when she pitched the idea to my friend and myself.

As I write these words I can still remember hiking in the deserts of Death Valley. Never in my life have I ever seen a more beautiful part of creation, but what made it more beautiful was the fact that I had friends to walk the desert with me. I was not alone in any one of my experiences at Summit. Some were hard and some were easy, but the people with me made the experiences amazing.

Today I am back at Montreat College out in the western North Carolina mountains, still marveling at God’s creation. I still look back at the memories and miss them, but now I look forward because I know I have gained tools from the experiences of ISAS.

I recently led a backpacking trip for my college. My co-leader and I took eight students into the wilderness to invite growth into their lives. Before Summit, I am not sure I would have had the confidence to lead such a trip, but through the experiences, the leadership, and the friends that were formed last semester I was able to lead the trip successfully. Not only was the trip a success, but I also found joy in it, and that joy only came from Christ. So thank you Summit Adventure, for teaching me confidence. God used you as an organization to build a characteristic in me that was lacking.

David Parker – Montreat College

The Summit Adventure College Semester is a course that’s going to change and impact your life forever. It made me reassess my relationship with God and continue to grow in a deeper relationship with Him. I learned so much from just reading the books during the semester. It also helped to apply the things I learned, such as non-violent communication and the spiritual disciplines. The biggest growth for me in this semester was connecting with myself. There was huge importance for understanding my own feelings and needs throughout the semester. I was able to come away from ISAS as a completely new and changed person!

Brendon – Ontario, Canada


The homestays in Ecuador were the most powerful for me, as well as being involved with Remanso and the Davis Foundation. Absolutely life-changing, no doubt about it!

Bekah – Montreat College



For me, Summit Adventure College Semester was transformational. I attended the adventure semester anticipating many challenges and great opportunities. Through the challenges of the semester, I learned a lot about myself and the gifts God has given me.

I began ISAS searching. What I found was that God is always faithful and desires to give to his children, but we must first be open to his gift and allow him to change us into what he originally designed.

The same is true for fully experiencing what ISAS offers. You can gain a lot from the program and the program can change you for the better, but you have to be open to change and challenge. Open to trying new things and forgetting the norm. Open to enduring discomfort and fear in order to reach a summit–a summit that will change your outlook on life. SA will provide a person with the setting and experiences to see Gods creation and design.

God worked through my experiences at SA to show me His desires for my life. ISAS is incomparable to any other program I could have enrolled in or semester spent on a college campus.

Derek Campbell – Ouachita Baptist University

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