Summit Executive Director Tom Smith Publishes Debut Book!

[dropcap style=’box’]W[/dropcap]e’re delighted to announce that Summit Adventure’s Executive Director, Tom Smith, is now a published author!

Tom’s debut book, Hold Mine Hand: The Incomparable Wisdom and Humor of Young Boys, is intended to “offer the hand of inspiration and renewal to other parents struggling to raise children amid a messy world.”

The title of the book comes from an early conversation between Ryan and Justin, Tom’s two oldest sons:

Ryan: “Jar Jar [Justin] is my big bruvver. I stick wif him.”
Ryan: “Help me, Jar Jar! Hold mine hand!”

In Hold Mine Hand, Tom takes readers deep into the lives of his family. Tom opens his personal journals and shares hundreds of his sons’ quotes to reveal what they consider most important: parents, family, God, grandparents, and friends.

Often funny and sometimes tragic, Hold Mine Hand applies fresh and unforgettable insights to everyday parenting and life.

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