Support Summit Adventure
Are climbing, service, backpacking, cultural immersion, mountaineering, and trekking life-changing experiences? Not on their own, but these experiences designed and delivered by passionate experiential educators and wilderness professionals can lead to significant transformations. How do we know? For 40 years Summit has been designing and facilitating these types of transformational experiences and our participants have shared with us the significant changes these experiences have caused in their lives. Thank you for considering donating to Summit Adventure and supporting us in continuing to provide and facilitate transformational adventure and learning.
How to Donate
As a 501(c)(3), all donations are tax-deductible, and you will receive a receipt for your gift. Thank you for your financial support of Summit Adventure. This ministry simply could not survive without you!
- By mail through sending a check to the below address. This is our preferred way of receiving donations.
Summit Adventure
PO Box 498
Bass Lake, CA 93604 - Donate online using the form below
- By phone by calling (559) 642-3899. We have limited staff in the office, due to the pandemic. Please leave a voicemail.

Donations to our General Fund will go towards a variety of needs at our discretion. Your donation will be put to good use to grow the ministry. Thank you for partnering with us and the ministry of Summit Adventure. We promise to make it our priority to steward your gift well.

Donations to the gear fund go towards replacing and upgrading the gear we need to run courses. This upcoming year, we specifically need to replace our ropes used for climbing and rappelling on courses. With the gear fund, we also hope to purchase some warm jackets to have on hand for participants.

This upcoming summer, we are embarking on something new! We want to connect better with local youth so we created a few opportunities for kids to get outside and learn how to rock climb. Youth Sponsorships go towards scholarships for kids who want to attend these courses!

Any donations to the Scholarship Fund go towards lowering tuition for our Semester Students so that they can experience a semester of life-changing transformation, exploring and learning. Our semester program is one-of-a-kind and we want it to be accessible to all.
Why does Summit Adventure Need Your Support?
As an independent, non-denominational 501(c)(3) ministry, Summit Adventure does not receive any financial support from a denomination, church, or other parent organization. Throughout the 40-year history of Summit Adventure, we have existed solely on course revenue and private donations.
We could not accomplish what we do without your support. Summit Adventure currently charges tuition that covers ½ of the cost for running programs. The difference is covered through generous donations. The more donors like you who are involved, the more people are able to afford a relationship-building and life-changing experience with Summit Adventure.
Please donate today to allow more people to experience the transformation of a Summit Adventure course.
From the perspective of the gospel, fundraising is not a response to a crisis. Fundraising is, first and foremost, a form of ministry. It is a way of announcing our vision and inviting other people into our mission. Vision and mission are so central to the life of God’s people that without vision we perish and without mission we lose our way. Vision brings together needs and resources to meet those needs. Vision also shows us new directions and opportunities for our mission. Vision gives us courage to speak when we might want to remain silent.
Henri Nouwen
The Spirituality of Fundraising