
Author: Tom Smith


The Holy Land Trekking and Service | Date TBD

This course combines service and trekking through The Holy Land and Palestine. You will spend time in Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Nazareth and then have the opportunity to trek for four days from Nazareth to the Mount of the Beatitudes along the Jesus Trail­­­™. The Jesus Trail™ is a moderate trail on which you will carry only a daypack as your gear is transferred to each night’s accommodations.


Soldiers or Friends?

Sebastian Junger wrote a very compelling book called “War.” It chronicles the combat experiences of an American platoon in Afghanistan. The trust, camaraderie, service and sacrifice these men showed one another was so powerful and extraordinary that the platoon leader extended his combat tour for a second year despite the daily horrors of his first year. When Junger asked him how he could possibly return for more war, the young soldier said that he would not find powerful brotherhood like what he experienced in Afghanistan anywhere else.


Escaping Routine

It is easy to lock in our roles as fathers, mothers, and children. Most of us live within routines that cause us to say and do the same things over and over. We go to work or school at the same places, hang out with the same people, look at the same screens, and engage in the same activities. We get comfortable. This is not necessarily negative, but sometimes God wants to shake up our lives. Get us out of our comfort zones.


A Bad Investment

Jesus was extremely clear when He said, “Do not judge.” Judgments are opinions or evaluations seen through the particular lens and worldview of the one making them. Perhaps Jesus was trying to save us the pain and trauma of being evaluated by others who do not know our entire story. Even the most well intended parents cannot know exactly what thoughts and feelings pervade the every day lives of their kids. So Jesus tells us to forego making judgments.


Guess What’s Happening at Summit in 2019!

“The times they are a changin’.” This famous song notes how events of the 1960s re-shaped America’s cultural landscape. Fervent change continues, creating a technologically focused electronic age far different from the post-Vietnam era of a young Bob Dylan.

Summit Adventure College Semester Abroad Program

Ecuador Mountaineering & Service | Date TBD

Combines high-altitude mountaineering and service projects in a rich cross-cultural setting. Immerses you in the rich beauty of Ecuadorian culture and the Andes. Ecuador is said to be the “Jewel of the Andes.”

Custom Courses

Patagonia Trekking & Service | Date TBD

Service and adventure in one of the world’s last wild places. Experience natural beauty like you’ve never seen as you trek by towering craggy peaks, pristine blue lakes, and windswept ice fields.